
Painting 1996-1999.

Volume with 42 Works by Hanns Kunitzberger.
With a preface by Wolfgang Drechsler.
German, English, French.
140 pages, 5 fold-outs, 42 colour-, 6 bw-plates.

Die Schöpfung. Eine szenische Beschreibung.

By Hanns Kunitzberger, 1984-1999.
92 pages.

2 cloth-bound volumes in a cloth-bound slipcase
25 x 30,7 cm, thread-stitching

Österreichischer Kunst- und Kulturverlag, Vienna 1999
ISBN 3-85437-184-5

The simultaneous with the volume «Bildnisse» Painting 1996-
1999, published text volume «The Creation. A Description in Scenes.», is with the painting a considered part of the project «The Creation» by Hanns Kunitzberger. Since 1984 he developed this project in the Form of drawings, models, manuscripts, sculptures, film, paintings and music. Among them also the work on the opera libretto «The Paradise».

Special Edition with 75 handnumbered and signed copies, each with an original print by Hanns Kunitzberger 1999:
25 "kleiner steinähnlicher Gegenstand, außen, früh"
25 "kleiner steinähnlicher Gegenstand, später"
25 "kleiner steinähnlicher Gegenstand, dann, innen"

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